heather flinsky
heather flinsky
Originally from British Columbia, Heather has always been inspired by the vast beauty of nature and it’s profound effect on emotion and the value it has on self reflection.
With this in mind she’s spent the majority of her life exploring new places and finding the joy in experiencing things from different points of view.
This mindset, as well as inspiration from fashion, music, and comics, has had a heavy influence on her stylization over the years; and reflects in her art as she’s continually experimenting with different forms of media and techniques that adapt with her.
Originally from British Columbia, Heather has always been inspired by the vast beauty of nature and it’s profound effect on emotion and the value it has on self reflection.
With this in mind she’s spent the majority of her life exploring new places and finding the joy in experiencing things from different points of view.
This mindset, as well as inspiration from fashion, music, and comics, has had a heavy influence on her stylization over the years; and reflects in her art as she’s continually experimenting with different forms of media and techniques that adapt with her.
Originally from British Columbia, Heather has always been inspired by the vast beauty of nature and it’s profound effect on emotion and the value it has on self reflection.
With this in mind she’s spent the majority of her life exploring new places and finding the joy in experiencing things from different points of view.
This mindset, as well as inspiration from fashion, music, and comics, has had a heavy influence on her stylization over the years; and reflects in her art as she’s continually experimenting with different forms of media and techniques that adapt with her.
View of rolling green hills and trees through a wooden frame window. View of dark sky and mountains and the top. Large moon with face in upper right hand corner. Large pink and purple flower twisting through the frame and into the foreground. Two small nude elves hang from a wooden swing dangling from the frame below. Flowers and leaves detailed along the sides of the frame. Small nude elf in a red hat rides a brown mouse among the grass and flowers at the front left. Waterfall and pond at the front bottom of painting. Three red headed nude elves play here and grabbing up at small bits of glowing light. One is kneeling, one standing, and one is sat on a wooden stump. The one standing holds onto a magic mushroom. The one sitting on the stump has a petal from the pink and purple flower draped across her lap.
View of rolling green hills and trees through a wooden frame window. View of dark sky and mountains and the top. Large moon with face in upper right hand corner. Large pink and purple flower twisting through the frame and into the foreground. Two small nude elves hang from a wooden swing dangling from the frame below. Flowers and leaves detailed along the sides of the frame. Small nude elf in a red hat rides a brown mouse among the grass and flowers at the front left. Waterfall and pond at the front bottom of painting. Three red headed nude elves play here and grabbing up at small bits of glowing light. One is kneeling, one standing, and one is sat on a wooden stump. The one standing holds onto a magic mushroom. The one sitting on the stump has a petal from the pink and purple flower draped across her lap.