My name is Sarah Holloway. I use she/her pronouns. I am from what is now called Oakville, Ontario, Canada, on the traditional lands of the Haudenosaunee, the Anishnabek Nation, the Attawandaron, and the Mississaugas of the Credit. My education began at OCAD University before transferring to the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) to complete a degree in furniture design.
In times of isolation, I have been keen to lean on my nonhuman relationships, getting to know the plants and ecosystem around me. Over the past few years I have grown twin flame interests in computation and ecology; Hitting the inspect button in web browsers and on walks around my neighborhood. With an education in craft, (primarily woodworking,) I am curious how these older ways of knowing impact my primarily self-taught education in computation.
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This past autumn, my blossoming interest in hardware was pollinated by an unexpected gift, a Macintosh Plus computer from the late 1980s. The computer came into my possession through an act of urban gleaning. It seemed fitting that the computer's next life be powered by a gleaned source as well. In December 2021, I powered the Macintosh plus with one gigantic 'apple battery'. Over 50 rotting apples were connected with pennies, nails and wire in a series circuit. An apple-powered, Apple computer ran MacPaint. To house my power source, I built a cabinet out of used-sweet-corn crates that held the apples (forming the battery), as well as the apples that could no longer supply power (that were immortalized as apple dolls). As a gift for helping run the next iteration of the apple, you will get to carve an apple doll that once dried will be further immortalized as a 3D scan. You may keep the scan but I will take the apple doll as a souvenir for my travel.
Send an email to me here with name and location to add yourself to my apple doll pilgrimage.